This is another journey in search meaning of life, on Friday afternoon (December 10, 2010). The sides that I found here are splendor and originality. I’m glad to be able to travel at the end of this year in North Toraja. I found a lot of local cultures here. Their authenticity still stored and also maintained by community of Toraja.
Finally, North Toraja! Here I am. Be with agricultural green lands pomp and a lot of stories about North Toraja. Maybe, I dont have enough time to explore and discover a lot of stories because the limitations of my time in here. But I'll write a few story and hoping to find so much passion from readers to make travel here. In addition, I hope you find more stories on North Toraja.
My first visit at the Museum of Ne' Gandeng. I saw architecture that so captivating by traditional houses line up neatly in here. Traditional house in here called tongkonan.
Next visit to the traditional village in Palawa. Why is called traditional village because tongkonan in Palawa shape can be seen with more ancient. Tongkonan in here made with more simple equipment and the buildings are relatively old age.
Friday afternoon, en route to the guesthouse to rest, we stopped to see buffalo. I saw from the buffalo's eyes seemed to radiate arrogance. The buffalo treated properly like a child. Also fed and bathed every day, and bathed with soap. So nice treatment, huh! Wow, I imagine that buffalo must be have smooth skin. It has a special guard too, which if for human babies, called baby sitter. But this, what?
The guard of buffalo said, that buffalo I saw classified into the class of bonga sura'. It called bonga sura' because the white buffalo has black spots. Interestingly, the buffalo that I saw here, its eyes also look mottled. Another surprise from bonga sura', when the guards said the price of the buffalo range 250-300 million rupiahs. Ouw ... Amazing, it’s relatively expensive price for the buffalo that also will eventually be slaughtered for the funeral customs activities. But for people who have an obligation to Toraja traditional activities, the price is not a problem.
Day two, Saturday (December 11, 2010), I enjoy the coolness of the hills in Batutumonga. On the way in Batutumonga, we crossed so many grave stones. The shape is distinctive and uniques. After seeing the view from the hill, me and my friends getting ready to return for many activities. On the way from Batutumonga, many childs follow the car and showing their cute smiles. Hope meet you again in another time, North Toraja!