Story by. Ahmad Yani Hasti
Come to drink a cup of tea! We had enjoyed cup a tea with coolness of Enrekang.
Chaos of my mind after much heavy duty forced me to do refreshing. Before I was crazy, I say, "I have to travel somewhere." Without much thought, North Toraja became my destination choices. It has been my plan for long time to have cultural tourism in p

laces which is also the mainstay of South Sulawesi. At this time, finally it can be realized.
I have no money transfers yet, I'm still not receiving wages yet, automatically my saving money was very thin. Eventually I plan super-efficient travelling, of course I make invitation with some friends who also liked to travel. From Thursday morning till afternoon (December 9, 2010), I called many friends who were there in my phone list. I made their phone was ring. As a result I have six people including me to travel on North Toraja. Because only this person which I phoned having free time until Saturday night. Why? When we specify another time, our activities collide including the schedule that I made.
We rented a car for two days. The process might long but only spent few hours. Thursday late night we tried to travel over 300 kilometers from Makassar. Some pieces of the road a bit broken, rocky, not to mention there are other pieces with winding streets. It was making the trip harder. But the warmth in a car covered with some jokes and smiles much more viscous feel at that time. Specially me, there is a feeling for my own happiness. Maybe because this is my first trip to the North Toraja. Actually, if I want to go there, I just have to drive approximately 150 kilometers from place where I grew up, Hamlet of Lapakaka, Barru, South Sulawesi.

Friday morning (December 10, 2010), stomach started rumbling. At that time we was in Enrekang, South Sulawesi. There's something interesting us, not just because we're taste the hungry. Across the winding streets, in our paths crossed, we can see the mountain that became the icon of Enrekang. That mountain named Gunung Nona. By Local people at there, it called Buntu Kabobong. Buntu which means mountain and Kabobong which means female genitalia. If we observe more carefully, the mountain was indeed resemble female genitalia as we observe in biology classes in high school.
It increases lev

els of my spirituality. For many times my mind made aware if there are major architect behind the creation of this universe. The creation of beauty, uniqueness, or regularity in the universe. Clerics call it God. Yes, God called by various names.
Curiosity led us to Gunung Nona layover in one of the food and beverage stalls. In the stall where we can take pictures with the right direction. Around the stall grew the trees which make green views. In that spot, I felt a confluence between the cool air and sunshine by sunrise which refreshing my mind. Breakfast may noodles and egg but it felt more fit to enjoy with a cup of tea. Not only that, laughter from fellow traveler increasingly warms of my journey.
Coolness of Enrekang has been one answer to every question related to our activity density. In that stall, we were really off fatigue with a warm cup of tea and the morning sun. Thanks to Fahmi, Sukma, Sindbad, Anis and Hadrianti which has given color in sojourn call that morning. After breakfast, we continued our journey to the North Toraja.