Story by. Ahmad Yani Hasti (Editor: Cholis aka Mr. Gondrong)
I made this New Year a little bit different. No party but I celebrated it with a new agenda of my little adventure. At night before New Year, I was prepared myself to travel a place. Then I woke up early morning on this New Year, and I started to my journey on Friday (January, 1st 2016).
Photo by. Ahmad Yani Hasti, Model: Ansar Razak --- Friday (January 1st, 2016) at Celebes Canyon, Barru, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. |
I did not go by myself. My junior on my high school (SMA Negeri 1 Parepare), Ansar Razak, accompanied me to visit this place. A place was called Celebes Canyon. This canyon was not far from my place where I grew up.
I took off from Parepare by motorcycle to Celebes Canyon, and it needs 73 km or one and half hour. But we should spend more than that time. All area that we passed, they were still strange for us. So, we needed native to guide into this place. Less asks then we will get lost away.
Photo by. Ahmad Yani Hasti, Model: Ansar Razak --- Friday (January 1st, 2016) at Celebes Canyon, Barru, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. |
Especially for people who living outside of South Sulawesi, you may get this place by airplane. Landed in Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport, Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. And you need to ride motorcycle or car around 101 km or about 2 hours to get into Celebes Canyon.
Photo by. Ahmad Yani Hasti, Model: Ansar Razak --- Friday (January 1st, 2016) at Celebes Canyon, Barru, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. |
There are several places that you need to pass and you must know before you get here. When you start from Parepare or Makassar, you may meet Barru. Carry on until you find SMP Tanete Rilau and turn to Poros Barru-Soppeng Street. And these places that you have to know, they are like Pekkae-Tampung Cinae-Ele-Lisu-Ralla-Watu. When you got Watu, turn left and you found sign that showed you direction to get this location. But you need to walk around fifteen minutes to across the rice field until you get this place.
Photo by. Ahmad Yani Hasti, Model: Ansar Razak --- Friday (January 1st, 2016) at Celebes Canyon, Barru, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. |
Finally, I got here. I Faced the beauty of nature. I would have been really excited about it. The canyon was so wonderful for me. How I could felt sorry about it. Actually there were Many strange places. The ways to get here was liked how to pass the puzzle. It was became my passion and I love it!
Celebes Canyon is really a suitable place to have a relaxing day. You can swim, jump, take selfie, or maybe you just need picnic with your family. It’s important to take your bugs away from this place. I love to meet Celebes Canyon again and face her beauty with no bugs.
Photo by. Ahmad Yani Hasti, Model: Ansar Razak --- Friday (January 1st, 2016) at Celebes Canyon, Barru, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. |
In the sunset, my friend and I decided to back home. In the middle of our way to get our home, we have already stopped on restaurant to take dinner together. We could find many restaurants in Barru Street which was near from the beach. And many kind of seafood become popular dishes for native in Barru. I choosed to stop at Arung Pala restaurant which was a good choice for me.
Wefie time (Ansar Razak and I) before we had dinner on Friday (January 1st, 2016) at Arung Pala, Palanro, Barru, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. |
The Prices of fish are various. They depend kind of fish and their weight. From 35.000 rupiahs until more than 100.000 rupiahs. You could find cheapest places but I’m not promise to get nice taste. We only ordered seafood fried rice at the time. And the taste felt the same way. It was cooked well, and the taste was a little bit sweet because it was fresh, and it has spicy and good condiment. All of this combination felt suitable with my tonque. The restaurant becomes our last visit until we got our home. I thought I will miss this moment.